In the midst of the global upheaval brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, a troubling trend emerged in the UK: a sharp decline in men's mental health. This wasn't just apparent in the statistics but was felt personally by our CEO and founder within her own family and friendship circles.
Mother to a young boy, she was driven by a profound desire to make a difference, she embarked on a journey to break the cycle of declining mental health. Not a therapist or psychiatrist, her solution was unconventional yet brilliantly simple—underwear.
She understood that small, everyday choices can significantly impact our overall well-being. She recognised that one such choice, often overlooked, is the underwear men wear daily. Underwear is a constant in a man's life—worn all day, every day, it's an intimate garment that remains invisible and private, much like his thoughts.
The philosophy behind AndThen
Life is a series of moment-by-moment decisions. When we string together positive choices, we create a ripple effect that can transform our lives and mental health. Our brand, AndThen, is designed to serve as a daily reminder of this power - that each of us hold. Whether our wearers are putting on their bamboo boxer briefs in the morning or taking them off at night, they are reminded that they are the directors of their own stories. The name "AndThen" symbolises the constant opportunity to self-check, to think about what's next, and to challenge oneself to be the best version of themselves and make positive decisions.
Why bamboo boxers?
Bamboo fabric was chosen for its exceptional comfort and sustainability. We believe that clothing should not only make you feel good but also be good for the planet. Bamboo is a highly sustainable resource that requires minimal water and no pesticides to grow, producing more oxygen than most trees. It's also incredibly soft and breathable, wicking away moisture, providing unmatched freshness throughout the day.
The power of positive decisions
We've all experienced the boost in confidence that comes from wearing an outfit we love. Clothes have the power to influence our mood, our thoughts, and our actions. At AndThen, we harness this power by creating underwear that not only feels great but also serves as a daily affirmation of positive decision-making. Every time you wear AndThen bamboo boxers, you're reminded of your ability to steer your life in a positive direction.
Giving back to the community
At AndThen, we believe that businesses have a responsibility to give back to the communities they serve. That's why we donate 50% of our profits to organisations that are leading the way in men's mental health and wellbeing. Unlike typical retailers governed by shareholders, our focus is on community rather than profit. Helping to ensure the professionals can support anyone struggling with the help they need, whenever and however they need it.
Join us in making a difference
AndThen is more than just a brand; it's a movement towards better mental health and wellbeing for men across the UK. By choosing our bamboo boxers, you're not only making a positive decision for yourself but also contributing to a greater cause. Together, we can break the cycle of declining mental health and create a brighter, more positive future.
Every day is an opportunity to write your story. What's your next 'AndThen'?